About Me


Hi and welcome to my blog! I’m Sarah, a 16 year old girl living in the mountains with my large and loud family. I started this blog so that I could have an outlet where I could rant, encourage, and be encouraged. I try to be as real and down to earth as I can; I’m still learning how to be vulnerable and to accept that it’s okay to ask for help and be seen by others (Brene Brown, anyone?)

I love to read, write (obviously), explore nature, dance…I’m even going to be branching out into the world of gaming with my new YouTube channel (more info soon.) And recently, I’ve rediscovered my passion for chocolate and pizza.

More random facts about me: I’m homeschooled, in high school, I have a twin sister, and I’m a self proclaimed animal lover and activist of many causes.

My blog is called “sarahlearnslife” because, well, I’m trying to learn how to navigate life without my eating disorder (who I named Beatrix, it’s an interesting story.)

Thanks for reading and I can’t wait for you to join me on this journey of recovery and life!:)

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