Currently September 2015// What I’ve Been Up To

Today instead of doing a typical weekly favorites post (which would basically consist of ibuprofen, nose drops, and Kleenex…all generic brands of course), I decided to show you what’s currently in my life. If you want to know what I’m reading, watching, eating, jamming to…read on!

BeFunky Design

What I’m Reading:

Emma by Jane Austen

I’ll admit, I’m into the classics. I’ve read Gone With the Wind, Jane Eyre, and even Pride and Prejudice. I tried to read Emma a couple of years ago and just…couldn’t get into it. But I’m giving it a second chance and so far, I’m liking it much better.

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien 

I’m not much of a fantasy reader but as I loved the whole Narnia series by C.S. Lewis and this seemed similar in some ways, I decided to try it. Three chapters in and so far, so good!:)

What I’m Watching:

Currently, I’m not watching any TV shows. I have had to endure watching every Barbie movie known to the mankind as well as various superhero movies. Oh, the joys of being an older sister!;)

I’ve also been watching lots of YouTube, especially daily vloggers.

Daily Bumps



What I’m Listening To:

Storyline (Album)-Hunter Hayes

I found Hunter Hayes’ newest album on Spotify (AKA it’s free!).  It’s fun, not overly country while still being country (did that make any sense??) Perfect for background music…also good for random bedroom dance sessions!:)

Fight Song EP-Rachel Platten

This whole EP is amazing. I feel all the feels while listening to this. My go to for inspiration when I’m feeling a little sad and need some warrior vibes!

What I’ve Been Eating:

Cliff Bars 


All the time, anywhere. The flavors I’ve been eating (and loving!) recently are chocolate chip, oatmeal walnut raisin, and chocolate brownie.

Banana Fosters Greek Yogurt (Oikos)

Creamy, caramely, and utterly delish. A yogurt that was an actual desert in a past life.

Apps I’m Using and Games I’m Playing:


School time=Flash time card=quizlet time. This is not an official equation.


I don’t play computer games. Like ever. But my brother John made me play this and it is a bit addicting.

Clue (The Board Game)

My family has been in a bit of a board game phase. Recently we played Clue and all I gotta say…it’s more complicated than it looks! We some, um, modifications to the rules:)

Okay, that’s a wrap! And no, I didn’t post my 5:00. Basically, I slept all day because sickness decided to stay another day. My immune system is shot, what can I say?

Tell me:

-What are YOU currently reading?

-Favorite inspirational song or album?

-Do you ever “modify” board game rules?

‘Till tomorrow,


9 thoughts on “Currently September 2015// What I’ve Been Up To

  1. I am currently reading “Napoleon the Great” by Andrew Roberts, but, looking at the 19th century books that you have read, I would warmly recommend “Dracula” by Bram Stoker and by Wilkie Collins “The Woman in White” . I have just started listening to 1930s-1950s music and “The Atomic Mr Basie” is stunning.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve always wanted to read Dracula and just might pick it up on my next library trip. I’ve never heard of the other book but I’ll definitely be looking into that one as well. Thanks for the recommendations!


  2. I’m in the middle of three different self-help type books from the library, but nothing really fun. I hope you enjoy the Lord of the Rings; it can get slow sometimes with his descriptions, but I do enjoy the story. I just wish his delivery was a bit different. 😀 There are so many good inspirational albums and songs, but I’m going to go with “Life is Beautiful” by The Afters, and “Live Forever” by Matthew West. (The songs by the same names are also good, but I am talking about the whole albums.) “Live Forever” is more for when I want to feel encouraged and empowered; “Life is Beautiful” is really a mix of songs that are good for all kinds of situations. 🙂 We modify board games all. the. time! Actually there are too many words in that sentence; we do it with all games! It drives some relatives crazy, but that’s the way we roll. So funny that your family does it as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those sounds like my type of albums! I’m always looking for some good inspirational music and although I’ve heard of both artists, I’ve never listened to any of their music. That will be changing today, I think:) And I’m glad to know we our not the only family who changes the rules a bit. It happens partly because some family members don’t want to bother reading the rules and also because when there are little kids, the rules can get a bit complicated.


  3. I love this post! I’m always looking for ideas on watch to watch, eat, and listen to! I’m currently listening to country music on shuffle, eating cheez-its, and watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix!

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